Ebook sách Yoga for Arthritis
Đồ tập Yoga Tốt
Thứ Tư,
2 phút đọc
Nội dung bài viết
Hiệu quả điều trị của Yoga đối với các bệnh xương khớp là rất tích cực và đã được áp dụng thành công trên thế giới. Kết hợp tập luyện với chế độ dinh dưỡng, kèm theo bổ sung dưỡng chất hợp lý sẽ mang đến hiệu quả điều trị cao cho người bệnh. Đồ tập Yoga Tốt xin được gửi tặng cả nhà bản ebook nguyên bản tiếng Anh “Yoga for Arthritis” (Yoga điều trị bệnh viêm khớp – tạm dịch) của đồng tác giả Loren Fishman và Ellen Saltonstall.
Xin được trích đoạn giới thiệu về cuốn sách:
“Serendipitously or not, arthritis and yoga fit: the lock and the key, the illness and the antidote. Arthritis restricts movement, yoga increases range of motion—these two were made for each other. The inevitable pounding, flexing, and grinding the human body experiences during life have pressured it to evolve many anatomical cushions, but alas, they too inevitably suffer from life’s buffeting. The incessant minor traumas add up, damaging the cushioning apparatus and eventually the structures they protect, increasing pain and instability, and reducing flexibility at the only places we can bend: the joints. Yoga has been shown to improve the microenvironment of the cartilage and elastic parts of the joint and add no trauma. And for thousands of years it has been known to increase flexibility.
In this book we provide a scientific justification for using yoga to treat arthritis. It is intended for beginners, those already doing yoga, and teachers, yoga therapists, and other healers such as physical and occupational therapists and physicians. Therefore, it might approximate a one-room-schoolhouse atmosphere at times, addressing rank beginners and the accomplished yogi in the sincere voice of two authors who know some things fairly well, but know very well how very much is not known.
In the first two chapters, we familiarize you with arthritis the condition, and then yoga, the best we have found for prevention and relief. Next we present a science-oriented chapter on the physiology behind yoga’s efficacy for arthritis. Then, after a short prelude, come the poses. At the end of each chapter we provide a table to aid therapists, healers, and individuals in designing a program for the particular difficulties a given person may present. Although we have successfully treated many patients with yoga alone, we believe it is only with rigorous objective testing that this modality can be proved and improved, and that combining yoga with other means of healing, conventional and not, will stand before the same objective scrutiny.”
Hy vọng cuốn sách sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo quý báu cho các bạn đang điều trị viêm khớp, các giáo viên, HLV và các nhà trị liệu yoga.
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